Fannie Lou Hamer Freedom School

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Students may apply for 9th grade or 10th grade using the New York City Department of Education's High School Admissions process. This process allows families to list up to 12 schools of interest. The higher you list us, the better chance you have of being selected. 
Our Program Code is X91A and the school name is Fannie Lou Hamer Freedom High School.  
Please reach out to our family coordinator, Yselly Olivo, to arrange a visit to the school or ask any questions. She is available from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Monday through Friday at 718-862-0521.
You may also email us at [email protected]

For more than 20 years, Fannie Lou Hamer Freedom High School has been successfully educating and supporting the social development of our students in the Bronx. Our goal is that all of our students go to college.


Teachers and students at FLHFHS work together to create a community of caring and concerned citizens committed to meaningful and purposeful work. 

Through our hands-on, whole student approach, students develop critical thinking, research, and analytical skills in preparation for college and careers.


  • We have been included in the Christensen Institute's national Canopy project. The Canopy identifies schools across the United States that are leaders in innovative approaches to student-centered learning.
  • We are a Children’s Aid Community School.  Children’s Aid provides students and families with extensive services, ranging from social and economic support to medical health and dental to college and career to an array of extracurricular activities.
  • Our Advisory system provides for comprehensive support of students and frequent communication with families, ensuring that no student is overlooked.
  • Our well-staffed Student Success Center ensures that all students, grade 9-12, receive assistance with college and career planning and financial aid.  For our Class of 2018, 97% applied and were accepted to college and they received over $2 million in scholarships.
  • Writing is highlighted in all subjects. All students graduate by completing performance-based assessment tasks, such as, a college-level history research paper and a student-designed science experiment. 
  • Public speaking is also emphasized in our curriculum.  All students develop graduation portfolios in the core subjects.  Students present and defend their work to committees through panel presentations.  Students cannot graduate without completing this rigorous process.
  • Our school greatly values students’ social-emotional well-being. We have an extensive counseling department and offer various student and family support services.
  • We have small class size and an 8 to 1 teacher to student ratio.
  • We handpick and selectively screen all of our teachers in order to provide one of the strongest teaching staffs in New York City.  Teaching matters and we hire only the best.
  • We are a highly collaborative professional learning community.  All teachers receive extensive professional development, support and common prep/planning time.
  • Students earn college credits though our partnership with College Now at Hostos Community College. Students to take college-level coursework while still in high school and gain valuable experiences.
  • Excel at NYU allows rising seniors to take classes and seminar at NYU to acclimate to college academics and college life.
  • Our school emphasizes getting students involved in Extended Learning Opportunities outside of school, focused on building students’ experiences, resumes and learning beyond the classroom.  We have partnerships with dozens of organizations with whom our students participate in programs after school, for internships and during the summer.


  • Because of school support, over 50% of our students participated in the Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP), one of the highest rates in the city.